Friday, August 15, 2008

Satisfaction Quotient

It would seem that the city has once again fallen into complacency; that with several spaces approaching a semblance of normalcy and sustainability, that the attention has gone elsewhere

Fake Jazz Wednesdays at the Cobalt, the fact that the Emergency Room hasn't been shut down, and Women's Studies at VIVO, curated and run by Her Jazz Noise Collective, has helped to spawn a new era (and generation) of experimental noise. DubForms at Open Studios has cemented Lighta! Sound as major promoters, who can fill an underground, illegal venue, a bar-capacity space, and even bring in out-of-town guests to headline Thursday Ting! and the Astoria. Hoko's seems to be 'enough' for the shoegazer-cum-art rock of GreenBelt Collective, Collapsing Opposites, OK Vancouver OK crowd... Various weeklies by a federation of art-school snobs, when combined with the availability of The SweatShop, have hipsters and the nu-dance kids beer-soaked and proliferating party shots on blogs like they were a nest of CobraSnakes... 

And.... for some reason, I am complaining. That spaces are stable. That my generation is having a good summer of it. That they are not fighting for more. 

There goes the leadership impulse again. And all this time I have been living in South Vancouver, Little India, learning to write code. Weak.

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