Friday, August 15, 2008

Bums In Seats

As a promoter, I have often been warned - or warned others - to heed the law of summer in Vancouver: "don't expect a crowd"...

Yet, it seems that cultural participation is alive and well. Mind you, I have no spreadsheets and material research to back this all up, but every event that I have attended in the last few months has been a success. (some too much so!)

I remember, even three years ago, when you could be hard pressed to find two things to do on any given week, unless you had a predilection for expansive tastes. Now, one is hard pressed to support even one's friends by attending their events, let alone to explore something new. 

Has Vancouver finally shed it's reputation of No Fun City ??? I think not, but something is happening despite the worst intentions of the bureaucrats... 

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